10 Toxic Habits You Need To Let Go Of For A Happier Life

If you are unable to cope with situations in a reasonable way and you feel like everything is getting to you, you may have some toxic habits that you need to cut out of your life.

If there is something that is draining the energy out of you, it can prevent you from being your full self. You may not be able to perform to your fullest potential.

Some of our habits can hinder our expectations and the desire to live peacefully. If you want to truly be happy, you need to cut out some toxic habits you may have.

Here are 10 toxic habits to quit so you can be a happier, healthier version of yourself.

1. Spending too much time on social media.

According to a study, the average person spends about 2.5 hours per day on social media. The prolonged use of social media can have negative effects on your mental health. Social media usage has been linked to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and poor sleeping patterns.

Setting limits for social media usage is one way to break this toxic habit. If you have an iPhone, you can turn on the Screen Time setting to track your usage and even set limits.

Learning to spend less time on social media may feel like a challenge, but you’ll feel so much better once you quit this toxic habit.

2. Not filling your own cup first.

Self-care is important, but it’s also one that’s easy to forget. Overlooking your need for self-care is a toxic habit. It is important to put your mental and physical needs at a high priority. If not, you will be draining your energy.

Self-care doesn’t have to be hard. It can be as simple as reading a book, relaxing in a bath, or even taking a nap. Giving yourself a spa day is the perfect way to get some much-needed self-care in.

3. Buying things you don’t need.

Another toxic habit is excessive shopping. This can lead to a number of negative consequences, such as clutter and financial problems, and can even have negative effects on your relationships.

Before you purchase anything, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I really need it?
  • Will it improve my quality of life?
  • Am I replacing something essential?

If you answered no to any of these, you may want to think twice about spending money on whatever it is you have your eye on.

4. Comparing yourself to others.

When you compare yourself to others, you’re only putting yourself down. Unfortunately, it’s an inevitable human trait.

Comparing yourself to others will elevate their strengths against your weaknesses. You’ll only see the good things about them and compare them with the bad things about you, even if they’re totally unrelated.

As Teddy Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

5. Speaking negatively about yourself.

Speaking negatively about ourselves is a toxic habit we all tend to fall victim to. It can be hard to turn off the voice of doubt sometimes, especially on a bad day. Putting yourself down can be such a reflex action that you may be unaware you are even doing it.

Learning to shut this mindset down can be a powerful thing. We are our own worst critics, after all. Instead of criticizing ourselves or calling ourselves names, replace those with positive thoughts and affirmations.

Beating yourself up won’t do you any good, and it will only bring your self-esteem down, so you might as well kick this habit to the curb.

6. Making up excuses for everything.

Excuses will never help you succeed in life. Don’t expect people to show you sympathy for having a rough time or facing hardships. This may sound harsh, but it’s the truth you need to hear.

Some of the most common excuses are:

  • I don’t have time.
  • It’s too hard.
  • I don’t have the knowledge.
  • I’m too out of shape.

Once you let go of these excuses, you’ll be able to do anything you put your mind to.

7. Caring about what other people think.

Caring about what other people think of you is one of the biggest toxic habits we need to break. Why does the opinion of a stranger matter? Newsflash: it doesn’t!

You don’t need anyone’s approval for the way you live your life. Make your own decisions that you feel will positively impact your life, and you’ll be amazed at how much happier you’ll be.

8. Living in the past.

Living in the past can hold you back in life. It can hurt your present and ruin your future. It’s natural instinct to be anxious about things that happened in the past, but dwelling on things that are said and done will do nothing for your mental health.

Your past shapes and molds you into the person you’ve become. Both good and bad experiences will help you learn in ways that will grow you as a person. There’s no point in dwelling on the past, as you can’t change what’s already happened.

9. Procrastination.

Procrastination can have serious negative effects on your life. Procrastinating is taking the easy way out. We tend to put things off when we are faced with a challenge. Instead of tackling that challenge, we find smaller irrelevant activities to fill our time.

When you keep putting your work off until the next day, it’ll keep building into an endless cycle. Breaking procrastination is a tough habit to quit, but the quality of your life and your work will improve once you do.

10. Surrounding yourself with toxic people.

Toxic people don’t only diminish you, but they also leave an emotional strain. When you surround yourself with toxic people, you may even pick up a few of their unhealthy traits.

Whether it’s a family member or a partner, sometimes you have to let them go. You only want to make space for people who encourage you and support you. Don’t give that space to someone who drags you down.

Breaking toxic habits isn’t going to be easy. Working on these toxic habits will have a powerful impact on your well-being. You’ll be happier and healthier, and your loved ones will notice.

What habits have you broken recently? Are you working on improving yourself? Share your goals and accomplishments in the comments!

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