7 Things To Add To Your Evening Routine

Evening routines are a key part of the day, but they might just be the most important. A solid evening routine sets you up for a smoother morning by clearing any hurdles that could slow you down when it’s time to get up.

While your evening routine should be all about prepping for the next day, your morning routine should get you energized and ready to take on whatever comes your way. Here are 7 things to try adding to your evening routine.

1. Set out your clothes

I don’t do this all the time since I wear the same uniform Monday to Friday, but if you don’t have a set outfit every day, it’s a great habit to get into. Laying out your clothes as part of your evening routine cuts down on decisions in the morning, and if you oversleep, you’re already halfway ready to head out the door!

2. Pick up toys

If you have kids, this should always be included in your evening routine. I know how hard it is with little ones. They’re tiny tornados!

We get our 2 year old to help us pick up his toys, and he loves helping. It’s important to make it fun so they enjoy doing it. For example, you could pick up toys by color first, you could have them count their toys, etc.

3. Connect with your family

Your time between dinner and bedtime is the perfect opportunity to squeeze in some quality family moments. Whether you’re watching a movie together, going for a relaxing evening walk, or playing a round of your favorite board game, it’s a great way to bond. Plus, including these activities in your evening routine helps everyone unwind after a long, stressful day. So why not make the most of those evening hours with some fun and relaxation?

4. Prepare next-day lunches

If you work outside the home or have kids in school (whether it’s virtual or in person), prepping lunches the night before is such an easy way to save time in the morning. It’s a simple trick that makes your morning rush so much smoother. As part of your evening routine, having lunches ready to grab means you and your family can just pick them up and head out the door without any last-minute stress. It’s one less thing to worry about, and who doesn’t need that?

5. Eat a home-cooked meal

Prepare your dinner with your spouse and kids to give yourselves an opportunity to spend more time together in the evenings. Eating together as a family every night is extremely important, as it can improve your relationship with your kids, especially if you have teens.

6. Unplug and unwind

Seriously, put your phone down and spend some quality time with the people around you. Trust me, I’m so bad at this, and I always feel like I’m missing out on real moments. Try doing something else in your evening routine, like playing with your kids if they’re little, chatting with your spouse, or just doing anything that helps you unwind before bed.

7. Go to bed on time

And of course, go to bed on time if you want to be successful at waking up early and being well-rested. The average adult needs between 7.5 and 8 hours of sleep per night.

If you struggle to go to bed on time, set yourself an alarm to remind you that it’s time to start getting ready for bed. Your goal should be to get in bed and turn the lights off 15 minutes before you want to be asleep.

Wrapping up…

A solid evening routine is key to kicking off a successful morning routine. When you set yourself up right the night before, you’re more likely to have a smooth and productive day ahead. From winding down with a good book to prepping for the next day, what are some of your favorite ways to end the day?

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