Stop Procrastinating: A Simple Guide for Productivity

Do you have a miles-long to-do list but you aren’t sure where to start or have any idea how you’re going to get it all done? Learn how to stop procrastinating and get shit done today. I usually end up procrastinating when I feel overwhelmed. I don’t know why, but it takes my mind off of everything I need to get done for a while.

Besides not getting any work done, procrastinating can seriously negatively affect your life. Procrastinating is taking the easy way out. We tend to put things off when we are faced with a challenge. Instead of tackling that challenge, we find smaller, irrelevant activities to fill our time. In addition to that, when we procrastinate, we tend to leave less time to complete what actually needs to be done. This results in sloppy work.

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Why do I need to stop procrastinating?

Procrastination effects are more harmful than we realize. It can keep us from achieving our dreams or accomplishing the goals we’ve set for ourselves.

Not to mention, you may miss important deadlines or forget valuable dates. And it doesn’t just affect your own life. Those around you will feel the effects of your procrastination as well.

1. You’ll feel better knowing it’s done and out of the way

Crossing something off your to-do list feels amazing, doesn’t it? It’s like a little burst of relief and motivation all in one. When you stop procrastinating and finally knock out that task, it gives you the push you need to tackle even more. So go ahead, get started on that list, and watch your productivity soar!

2. The quality of your work will be better

When you keep putting things off, you end up scrambling to finish your tasks at the last minute, which often shows in your work’s quality. If you really want to avoid mediocre results, it’s time to stop procrastinating and tackle things head-on. You’ll be amazed at how much better your work turns out when you give yourself enough time to do it right.

3. You won’t have to stress about it

Procrastination can seriously stress you out, especially when you wait until the last minute to get things done. Instead of adding extra stress to your life, just stop procrastinating and tackle tasks as they come. It’ll make everything a lot easier and more manageable!

4. Your task could’ve been done already

Imagine you’ve got a project due in a week, but instead of getting started, you just keep putting it off. You keep saying you’ll get to it later, and before you know it, the deadline is looming, and you’re scrambling to finish it up at the last minute. If you’d just stopped procrastinating and tackled it earlier, you’d have had plenty of time to get it done way before it was due.

5. You’ll have more free time

Having more free time is a golden opportunity to kick back and really relax! Instead of letting it slip away, why not use that extra time to practice some self-care and indulge in an at-home spa day? It’s the perfect way to unwind and pamper yourself. So, if you’re tired of feeling stressed and keep saying you’ll get around to it later, stop procrastinating and make the most of your downtime. Your mind and body will thank you!

How to stop procrastinating,

You are not alone in your procrastination struggle. Everyone procrastinates, even the ones who say they don’t. Some people manage it better than others, but it’s something you can learn and work through on your own. Below are 5 ways to stop procrastinating.

1. Build good routines

Setting up a solid morning and evening routine can totally transform your life. Having a routine helps you stay on top of things, so nothing slips through the cracks. Plus, if you give yourself a specific time frame to knock out tasks on your to-do list, you’ll find it way easier to stop procrastinating and get things done.

2. Stay off social media

Social media is a huge reason why most people procrastinate. It’s available at the touch of a button if you have a smartphone, making it so easy to procrastinate. Try some of these tips below:

  • Put your phone in “do-not-disturb” mode to disable notifications.
  • Set a designated time frame for social media use during the day.
  • Get rid of social media altogether. You may not even miss it!

3. Set goals and stick to them

Set your goals and crush them with the Erin Condren Goal Setting Planner. I’m a huge fan of these planners—they come with awesome tips and advice for setting goals, handy to-do lists, and plenty of space for reflection and journaling. They’re perfect if you’re ready to stop procrastinating and start making things happen!

4. Stop comparing yourself to others

When you compare yourself to others, you’re only putting yourself down. Unfortunately, it’s an inevitable human trait. Comparing yourself to others will elevate your strengths against your weaknesses. You’ll only see the good things about them and compare them with the bad things about you, even if they’re totally unrelated.

As Teddy Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

5. Change your environment

Changing your environment may help to stop procrastination. Different environments have different impacts on our productivity.

Does your current workspace make you want to work, or does it make you want to snuggle up with a blanket and take a nap or relax? If it’s the latter, you may want to consider switching things up.

Procrastination may be a tough habit to break, but once you stop letting it get the best of you, you’ll feel so much better. By taking the steps above, you’ll be kicking procrastination’s butt in no time.

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