How To Use Instagram Stories To Engage Your Audience

Instagram stories are powerful for engaging your audience and building trust between you and your followers. Instagram stories are extremely popular because they encourage users to interact with you. Using Instagram stories can help show the world your brand and to connect with your followers. This is extremely important for small business owners and small brands.

What are Instagram stories?

Let’s start off with some background information first. Instagram stories are basically just images or short video clips (7-15 seconds long) that appear at the top of your home feed. These are different than regular posts because they only last for 24 hours unless you add them to your Instagram story highlights.

I’m too scared to get started!

Sounds like me! I absolutely hate showing my face if I don’t have to. I love the anonymity of blogging, but that can also be a downfall. Here are some fears you may have:

– My life is too boring.

Do you watch people clean their houses, eat their lunch, and organize their kitchens? Yeah, that sounds boring, but people are watching those videos! Never believe your life is too boring for Instagram stories.

– I hate my voice.

Hating your voice should never be a reason not to start posting Instagram stories. You were given your voice to use it, so go for it and inspire your followers!

– People will judge me.

I admit this is one of my biggest fears. I hate putting myself out there because of my anxiety. If people want to laugh at you, laugh with them!

– Mean comments.

There will always be someone who leaves a mean comment, but there are always hundreds of more nice comments, so don’t let those mean comments get you down.

Why should you use Instagram stories?

According to a study from January 2019, over 500 million users watch Instagram stories each day. In July of 2018, 400 million users were viewing Instagram stories. That’s 100 million more viewers in 7 months. Imagine what those statistics could be now, two years later.

Using Instagram stories encourages your followers to interact with the rest of your account, like on your posts, Instagram live videos, and now Instagram reels!

Your followers will become more accustomed to liking, sharing, and replying to your content. And with more engagement, the more you’ll see your brand grow.

Related: Five Instagram Mistakes To Avoid

10 ideas for Instagram stories

Here are some of the best ideas for Instagram stories.

1. Hauls

Some people hate oversharing videos, but I LOVE to watch what other people buy. They’re so fun to watch and it always gives me ideas on what to buy for myself.

Some haul ideas include:

  • home decor haul
  • grocery haul
  • Christmas gift haul
  • makeup haul
  • dollar store haul
  • craft supply haul

Endless possibilities!

2. Daily routines

Don’t ask me why, but people love watching daily routines. Daily routines can be motivating. Watching how someone spends their day makes you want to get up and do the same.

Here are some daily routines you can post for your followers:

  • daily morning routine
  • makeup routine
  • getting ready for work
  • skincare routine
  • daily night routine
  • cleaning routine

The list is endless!

3. Product obsessions

Using Instagram stories to talk about your product obsessions is a great way to use your affiliate links! If you have an Instagram business account with over 10k followers, you can link your affiliate products directly into your story.

Only talk about products you are truly obsessed with, though. It also helps to actually have that product on hand to show it off; that way, your followers will know it’s legit.

4. Behind-the-scenes snippets

Sharing bits of your daily routine into your Instagram stories will improve the trust between you and your audience. It shows them the face and voice behind your business.

Share bits of your daily routine. It shows the face & voice behind your business and improves the trust factor with your audience. You can show them:

  • your morning routine
  • packaging your products
  • packing an order
  • what you do during a break

5. Daily inspiration/affirmations

I totally love posts like these! Sharing something inspirational or a positive quote can really help your audience kick off their day with a smile. It’s all about spreading good vibes and starting the day on a high note. If you’re into Instagram stories, try posting your favorite uplifting quotes or a quick, motivational message there, too. It’s a great way to connect with your followers and set a positive tone for their day.

6. Shoutouts of your favorite Instagram accounts/brands

This is one of the best ways to gain new followers and even collaborate with your favorite brands, which is to show them off! Find an account or brand that you really like and feature them or their products on your Instagram stories. This could be:

  • influencers
  • bloggers in your own niche
  • someone who shares the same values as you

Oftentimes, they’ll be more than happy to share you with their audience as well.

7. Instagram story polls

People just can’t resist sharing their opinions, and the more controversial or interesting the topic, the better! You can tap into this by using polls in your Instagram stories to get your followers to weigh in on what kind of new product they’d love to see or whether they’re into books or movies more. It’s a fun way to engage with your audience and make them feel involved. And don’t forget to share the results in a separate story! It keeps the conversation going and shows your followers that you value their input.

8. Sneak peeks

Giving your followers a sneak peek into what you’re working on will make them feel like they’re part of your journey. They’ll be more likely to start a conversation with you.

You could film yourself talking about an upcoming new product or collaboration. You could always give them little snippets of new blog posts that are coming out.

If you’re passionate about something, your excitement will shine through and excite your followers.

9. New post notification

Instagram’s algorithm changed, and users were complaining that their followers weren’t seeing their posts anymore.

Using Instagram stories to notify your followers that you have a new post is a great way to make sure your engagement rate stays up.

10. Tutorials

A great way to boost your engagement is to post a tutorial. People love learning something new, especially from someone they trust. Your audience will appreciate you for teaching them something you know.

Tutorial ideas can include:

  • makeup tutorial
  • cooking tutorial
  • hair tutorial

I hope this list has inspired you to use your Instagram stories to your advantage!

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