How To Overcome Shyness And Social Anxiety

Most people will feel shy or anxious at one point or another, but for some, shyness and anxiety can be debilitating. It can prevent them from participating in any social situation.

People who are shy or anxious want to feel closer to others, but they fear being rejected or criticized, so they will stay home to avoid social interaction. This can cause them to feel lonely or isolated, which increases their risk of depression or anxiety.

The good news is, you can overcome shyness and anxiety. With time and effort, it’s possible to break through. If your shyness is severe, you may need help from a therapist, but most people are able to overcome it themselves. Try these 6 techniques to overcome shyness & anxiety.

1. Put yourself out there.

It might seem counter-intuitive, but pushing yourself out of your comfort zone can work wonders! If you’re dealing with shyness or social anxiety, start small—try smiling at a stranger or making brief small talk with someone you don’t know well. It might feel awkward at first, but the more you practice these little steps, the easier it will get.

Once you start feeling more comfortable, you can challenge yourself with bigger steps, like attending a social event or striking up conversations with new people. It might be tough at the start, but putting yourself out there consistently will help you build confidence and ease those feelings of social anxiety over time.

2. Plan for it to go well.

Thinking about what you could do to make your situation a success is another way to reduce shyness & anxiety. Do you worry about making small talk? Ask yourself some questions to gather up some ideas.

  • What do I have in common with other people who will be there?
  • Do I feel comfortable sharing anything going on in my life?
  • Are there any current events I could bring up?

You can also give yourself an exit strategy, but try not to use it. It is important to feel in control, and exposing yourself to fear is the best way to overcome it.

3. Focus on your strengths.

What are you into? What’s something you’re good at? We all have our own strengths and weaknesses, and finding the right groups can really help with shyness and social anxiety. Look for groups about stuff you’re interested in—whether it’s on Facebook, Reddit, or any other social forum. Being around people who share your interests can make connecting a lot easier. Plus, focusing on what you’re good at can boost your confidence and make you feel more comfortable.

4. Assume others have good intentions.

Whenever we participate in social situations, we sometimes feel self-conscious. This causes us to believe that everyone is out there to judge us or point out our mistakes. It’s easier to overcome our shyness if we assume others have good intentions.

5. Face the cause of your shyness.

Often, the root cause of shyness is fear of failure or rejection. Assess your probability of failure and what you can do to try and reduce it. If you do end up failing, learn from it. You’ll feel much better knowing you tried. Don’t let one failure make you feel like that’s all you can do.

6. Build your self-esteem.

How you feel about yourself and what you think you’re capable of really boils down to your self-esteem. If you struggle with low self-esteem, it can make you feel like you’re constantly to blame for things that are actually out of your control. But here’s the thing—working on boosting your self-esteem can make a huge difference, especially if you deal with shyness or social anxiety. When you start feeling better about yourself, you’ll find that interacting with others becomes a lot easier and more enjoyable.

Related: How To Practice Self-Care As An Introvert

Try one or more of these tips today to help overcome your shyness. The more you practice, the more confident you will become. Share this post on Pinterest if it helps you!

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