Bad Habits: How To Break Them

We all have our fair share of habits that define us, both the good and the not-so-good ones. But here’s the thing: when we try to ditch those bad habits, we can become more focused and better handle our time management skills. So, let’s discipline ourselves and break free from those pesky habits that hold us back!

“Habits are formed by the repetition of particular acts. They are strengthened by an increase in the number of repeated acts. Habits are also weakened or broken, and contrary habits are formed by the repetition of contrary acts.” – MORTIMER J. ADLER

Having a morning routine is a super effective way to help you ditch those pesky bad habits, like immediately reaching for your phone as soon as you wake up.

Take control of your mornings and reclaim your life by adopting new habits. Developing healthy routines will boost your energy levels, leading to greater productivity throughout the day.

I admit I struggle with bad habits, as do most of us. Let’s work together to break some bad habits. Below are some steps we can take together.

Related: How To Be The Best Version Of Yourself

Becoming Aware Of Bad Habits

Certain habits form unconsciously, without us even realizing it. To break these routines, it’s important for us to increase our awareness of our actions.

This can include:

  • complaining
  • spending too much time on social media
  • procrastinating
  • eating too much junk food

Some people are totally oblivious to their bad habits until they’re brought up to them. Has anyone ever told you that you spend too much time on your phone? Like they’re talking to a wall? *hint*

It may sound harsh, but think of how that person feels when they’re trying to communicate with you. The first step to breaking a bad habit is becoming aware of it, whether you figure it out on your own, or someone points it out to you.

What new routines can you start?

  • start exercising
  • no social media after a certain point in the day
  • writing in a journal

When you’ve figured out what your bad habits are and found some things you want to change, you can start right away.

Taking Small Steps

Imagine how much we could accomplish if we fought off procrastination. According to the experts, changed behavior stems from incremental progress.

One way to fight procrastination is to break our tasks down into smaller chunks. Focusing on achieving the smaller chunks will make completing your tasks easier and motivate you more.

Let’s say one of your bad habits is not exercising. Instead of trying to exercise daily, start out with exercising 1-2 times per week. Going from not exercising at all to exercising daily is a huge jump, and almost unrealistic.

Once you get into a routine of exercising 1 or 2 times per week, add a day or two to your routine. Giving yourself a reward for hitting these milestones will help keep you motivated.

Preventing Bad Habits

“The best way to resist temptation is to avoid it. Prevention is far, far better than repentance.”

I’m sure you’re wondering, what can I do to prevent going back to these habits? Sometimes, the simplest thing can help break it! Is spending too much time on your phone one of your bad habits? At work, or even at home?

If you find yourself on your phone too much at work, turn it off so you’re not distracted by texts or social media. If your phone needs to be on for emergencies, keep it away in a drawer and set a ringtone for certain things you need to keep track of (like your babysitter in case they call for an emergency.

Are you on your phone too much at home? Is it taking away from spending time with your family? I hate to say it, but I’m guilty of this. Try putting your phone in a different room of the house when you’re spending time with your family.

Be Patient With Yourself

Most importantly, be patient with yourself! Nothing ever happens overnight. According to this 2009 study, it can take the average person 18 to 254 days to form a new habit and another 66 days for it to become automatic. If you’ve fallen behind, don’t beat yourself up over it. Remember to take it slow, and remember the reason why you’re breaking these habits.

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