10 Ways To Simplify Your Life In 2024

Life can be a lot sometimes, right? Between staying on top of work, paying bills, and keeping up with friends, it’s easy to feel totally overwhelmed. But don’t worry, I’ve got some super simple ways to help you simplify your life, and trust me, everything will feel so much easier. You’ll finally have that breathing room you’ve been craving!

If you’re ready to clear out the mental and physical clutter so you can focus on what really matters, it’s time to simplify your life. Let’s dive in!

1. Spend less time on social media

Spending too much time on social media is seriously my biggest struggle, and I know a lot of people deal with this, too—so it’s definitely at the top of my list. I catch myself constantly grabbing my phone just to check for a notification or scrolling through Instagram or Facebook to see what everyone else is up to. It’s such a time-waster when I could be using that time to simplify my life and hang out with my family instead!

2. Set goals for yourself

Creating goals for the new year is pretty much the norm these days, but actually sticking to these goals and resolutions? That’s a whole different story. If you find yourself struggling to stick to your New Year’s goals and resolutions, try using a goal-setting planner to help you achieve those goals.

3. Take care of your finances

A simple way to simplify your life is by getting your finances in check. When your money’s not in order, or you’re drowning in debt, it can seriously impact your day-to-day life. One of the easiest ways to stay on top of your finances is by using a financial planner or a budgeting app—they really help keep things organized. And if you’re dealing with debt, I’d definitely recommend checking out National Debt Relief. They’ve been helping people tackle their debt since 2008, and they’re great at simplifying the whole process.

4. Get rid of clutter

Clutter is such a huge distraction—it’s like visual noise that’s always there, keeping you from focusing on what really matters. When your space is messy, thinking clearly or getting things done is hard. But when you declutter, everything just feels lighter and more manageable. It’s one of the quickest ways to simplify your life and create a calmer, more organized environment. Trust me, once you start clearing out the unnecessary stuff, you’ll feel so much better, and you’ll be living a more simplified life before you know it!

5. Meal prep

Meal prepping is such a game-changer when it comes to simplifying your week. Instead of scrambling to throw something together or spending money on takeout, you’ve already got your meals ready to go. Just grab your lunch and head out the door—no stress, no hassle. Not only does this save you so much time during those busy weekdays, but it also helps you stick to a budget since you’re not constantly buying food on the fly. Plus, if you’re trying to eat healthier, meal prepping is a super easy way to stay on track and avoid last-minute unhealthy choices.

6. Coupons & cashback apps

Saving money is a huge priority of mine, and an easy way for me to do that is to use coupons and cashback apps and sites. All you have to do is shop online or in your local stores (upload your receipts!) and get cash back on certain purchases. How awesome is that?

Ibotta is a great app for saving money and getting cash back on groceries. It’s super user-friendly, and it regularly has offers for basic necessities like milk, eggs, etc.

7. Organize your closet

Organizing your closet can seriously simplify your life. If you’re like me, your closet looks like a hot mess. And it’s easy to stay that way when life gets busy, so you can always set a day during the week to organize your closet and get rid of things you don’t need or wear anymore.

8. Create a list of 2-3 priorities for the day

I’m a total procrastinator at heart (whoops, guilty!), so I totally get how easy it is to put things off until the last minute. But here’s a little trick that’s helped me simplify my day and actually get stuff done: I make a list of priorities the night before. Seriously, it’s a game-changer! I wake up with a clear plan by writing down what needs to be done and listing everything in order of importance. It makes it so much easier to stay on track instead of wasting time figuring out where to start.

9. Remove toxic people from your life

This is never easy, especially when you love that person. But loving someone who is toxic takes a huge toll on you. There’s always a heavy, overwhelming feeling lingering above you that you can’t get rid of. The only way to remove that feeling is to remove that person.

Whether it’s a family member or a partner, sometimes you have to let them go. You only want to make space for people who encourage you and support you. Don’t give that space to someone who drags you down.

10. Indulge in self-care

Self-care is super important for your mental health. It’s easy to forget to indulge in self-care, especially when life gets busy. Make it a priority to block out some time for daily self-care, even if it’s a short amount of time. Giving your mind and body time to rejuvenate and refresh is so rewarding.

In what ways do you simplify your life? Let me know in the comments!

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