Simplify Your Life and Get Organized

Got your life and home all sorted out, but worried you might slip back into chaos? Don’t stress—I’ve put together 10 of my favorite tips to help you keep things organized and simplify your life.

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I have a total love-hate relationship with organizing. When I’m in the mood, I’ll organize literally everything in my home—and yes, I even tidy up my desk at work and try to help others stay organized, too! If you’re looking to simplify your life and stay organized even when you’re not super motivated, check out my top 10 tips to keep things in order.

1. Use a planner

Using a planner can be a game-changer if you want to simplify your life and stay organized. Check out the Erin Condren Life Planner—it’s super customizable, with options for adding your name and changing colors. It’s packed with features that really help boost time management and productivity.

You get everything from 12 months of planning to mini months, monthly quotes, notes, productivity pages, weekly spreads, and even contact pages. Plus, it comes with 4 sticker sheets, a snap-in ruler, and a handy planner storage box.

You don’t need to schedule every single minute—just jot down important appointments so you don’t miss anything or run late.

2. Make your bed

When you wake up, go ahead and make your bed right away. It’s a small win that kickstarts your day on a positive note. Plus, it’ll make your room look way more organized and tidy. This little habit can help you simplify your life and boost your motivation to tackle everything else on your to-do list!

3. Organize your “dump zones”

Dump zones are those spots around your house where everyone ends up “dumping” their stuff—keys, shoes, purses, you name it. They’re usually in high-traffic areas like bedrooms, entryways, or if you’re anything like me, even the kitchen table. Yikes! To simplify your life and keep things more organized, try to set up specific places for these items. It’ll make finding things easier and help keep your home from feeling like a cluttered mess.

4. Write “to do” lists

I get it—lists might seem a bit dull, but they’re actually pretty awesome when it comes to simplifying your life. Keeping a “to-do” list can help you get a handle on everything you need to tackle each day. It’s like having a personal organizer right in your pocket! By jotting down your tasks, you can prioritize the big stuff and not get bogged down by the smaller, less important things. It’s a great way to stay organized and make sure you’re focusing on what truly matters. How do you keep track of your tasks and simplify your daily routine?

5. Declutter

I’m so, so guilty of clutter! It feels nearly impossible to keep up with the mess, especially with a two-year-old tornado running around the house. They seem to have an uncanny ability to drag out every item you thought was long gone, creating a whirlwind of toys, clothes, and random objects that you could swear you put away for good. It’s like living in a constant state of organized chaos!

Here are some ideas of what you can declutter:

  • items that you haven’t used in over a year
  • shoes that you don’t wear
  • items that can be recycled
  • anything that has expired (food, medication*, etc)

*when discarding medication, please be safe with it. Read this FDA guideline for drug disposal information.

6. Get enough sleep

It might sound a bit wild, but catching enough zzz’s really does wonders for your productivity. When you’ve had a solid 7-8 hours of sleep, you’ll find it easier to stay motivated and get things done. So, if you’re looking to simplify your life and feel more organized, start by prioritizing your sleep. It’s a game-changer!

7. Eliminate distractions

If you want to be as productive as possible, get rid of any distractions. This includes:

  • television
  • family

I know, you’re probably wondering, “family!? How am I supposed to get rid of that distraction?” I’m not saying ignore them but try to set some time aside for when your children (if you have them) are napping, at school, etc. Heck, send them to grandma’s house! (JK)

Your phone is probably the biggest distraction if you’re like me. Make sure to put it away or put it in a different room when you’re cleaning, organizing, or working.

8. Pick up after yourself

As silly as it sounds, picking up after yourself will help you stay on top of things. Don’t wait until the last minute to do this simple task. Some things I’m guilty of:

  • not cleaning up after dinner
  • not throwing away my trash on my nightstand
  • folding and putting away laundry (hate this one!)

Picking up after yourself will help you out in the long run, trust me.

9. Stop making excuses

Stop putting things off with that “I’ll do it tomorrow” mindset—tomorrow’s just going to bring even more work! I’m guilty of this myself, especially with dishes. I keep telling myself I’ll clean them after dinner, but then I end up so full and comfy that I just don’t want to move. The next thing I know, the dishes are still there, waiting for me tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow. Instead of letting chores pile up, try to simplify your life by tackling them as you go. Keeping things organized and handling tasks right away can make a big difference and save you from that never-ending cycle.

10. Set routines

Having a daily routine will surely help you stay organized. I absolutely hate mornings, although I’m not much of a night owl anymore. Create a morning routine that will get you pumped to start your day.

Here are some activities you can incorporate into your daily routine:

  • make your bed (see #2)
  • take a drink of water
  • take a look at your schedule for the day
  • eat a good breakfast

Using these top 10 simple tasks will help you get organized & stay organized. Which ideas did you find most helpful? What do you do to stay organized?

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