How to Become A Morning Person

Does your typical morning look like dragging yourself out of bed at the last possible minute? Waking up the kids and telling them it’s time to start getting ready for school?

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Some people love waking up at the crack of dawn. Others, like myself, find this to be an awful thought. I am a night owl by nature, so becoming a morning person was never easy for me. I still find myself feeling challenged some days.

These tips below will help you become a morning person even if you’re just starting out.

1. Get enough sleep

This is the obvious first step. If you are not getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night, you will struggle to become a morning person. This means you will need to go to bed earlier.

Personally, I tend to only sleep about 6-7 hours, so I will set my bedtime accordingly. It’s also important to try to get into bed 30 minutes before you would like to sleep to give yourself time to wind down. This means no scrolling through social media!

2. Stick to a routine

Having a good evening routine is essential for having a successful morning routine by removing any obstacles to getting out of bed the next day.

Night routines will help train your body and your mind, making it easier to go to bed on time and wake up early.

3. Ditch the electronics

Using your phone before bed can lead to insomnia or sleep deprivation. Scrolling through social media is habitual. You don’t realize how much time has passed while scrolling mindlessly.

Studies have shown that the blue light emitted from electronics signals your brain to stay awake, making it harder to fall asleep.

If this is something you struggle with, I recommend buying some blue light-blocking glasses to reduce the strain on your eyes. It’s also a good idea to do a digital detox.

By following the steps above, you’ll be a morning person in no time!

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