an easy Guide to Organizing and Decluttering Your Closet

If you want to save time and make your life easier, you have to organize your closet! Organizing your closet can save you time AND money. When you can find what you’re looking for quicker, you’ll obviously save a lot of time in the mornings.

And by getting rid of things you don’t need or no longer wear, you’ll stop feeling like you have nothing to wear, resulting in spending less money on clothes. Also, by folding your clothes and hanging them neatly, they’ll last longer. That means you won’t have to buy new clothes as often.

Organizing your closet is pretty easy. Just set some time aside in your schedule to do it. Block out at least three hours to get everything done. It will take you time, but it will save you MORE time in the long run.

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1. Remove EVERYTHING from your closet

This includes shoes, clothes, hangers, random storage boxes—basically everything you’ve got. It’s super important to get it all out in one place. You can set up a specific spot in your room for this, but if you’re like me, that might end up being your entire room! When organizing your closet and decluttering, it is crucial to get everything out where you can see it.

2. Ask yourself these questions

When you’re decluttering and organizing your closet, asking yourself these questions below will help you decide whether or not you should keep the item.

Has this been worn in the past two years?

If you haven’t worn something in the past two years, it’s probably time to let it go. Unless it’s a special dress you only pull out for fancy events or a designer piece you really love, most of it is just cluttering up your space. When it comes to organizing your closet and decluttering, it’s all about keeping what you actually use and love and ditching the rest!

If I saw this in a store today, would I buy it?

If you wouldn’t pick up that piece of clothing if you were shopping today, it’s time to let it go. I know, it’s tough—sometimes those clothes were gifts and you feel guilty about getting rid of them (I’ve been there too!). But when it comes to organizing your closet and decluttering, remember this: if you’re not wearing it, don’t keep it. Letting go of those items will make your closet more organized and create space for things you actually love.

Is the item stained or showing obvious signs of wear?

Unless you’re wearing these clothes around the house or on laundry day, it’s time to leave them behind. Some places to look at for signs of wear are the armpits for stains, holes everywhere, or pilling. Sometimes you can use a fabric shaver to remove pilling and revive those items, but not always.

3. Create three piles

Once you’ve got all of your clothes, shoes, etc. out of your closet, it’s time to sort them into three piles: trash, donate, and sell. The only items that should be making it back into your closet are clothes you actually wear, not what you think you’ll wear.

When you’re organizing your closet and decluttering, make sure to sort your gently used items into the donate pile. For anything that’s name-brand, like new, or still has tags, put those in the sell pile. I’d suggest using Poshmark to sell your clothes—it’s super easy and effective. As for stuff that’s really worn out or has holes and stains, just toss it in the trash. It’s best to let go of things that can’t be reused.

4. Use velvet hangers

Using velvet hangers is a lifesaver when you’re trying to organize your closet. Not only do they keep your fabric from slipping, but there’s a great joy in having your closet look more uniform. These velvet hangers are rounded, so bye-bye pointy shoulders! They also come in 8 different colors to match your personality.

5. Try everything on

As you are organizing your closet, try everything on before deciding to keep it. I’ve found myself wanting to wear an item, only to find out I can’t fit into it anymore. You may even find yourself loving an item again. If they don’t fit, throw them into one of your three piles listed above.

Now that you’ve decluttered and organized your closet, it’s time to put everything back where it belongs.

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