Five Instagram Mistakes To Avoid

Everyone makes mistakes on Instagram when they’re first starting out, so don’t get discouraged. I’m here to help you avoid these mistakes.

Some people have trouble growing their following and engagement and, in return, do not monetize their sites. This can be upsetting to some people because they feel like no matter what they do, nothing seems to work.

Today, we’ll talk about some mistakes that could hurt your Instagram visibility in the long run. We’ll identify these mistakes today so you can avoid them.

Instagram marketing is definitely not as easy as it seems, especially with the algorithm everchanging and restricting growth. This doesn’t mean that there isn’t room for growth, though. Let’s get started.

Related: How To Use Instagram Stories To Engage Your Audience

1. Being inconsistent

If you want to keep growing on Instagram, posting consistently is key. But don’t sweat it if you’re making Instagram mistakes and feeling overwhelmed about what to share. You don’t have to post every single day to keep your audience engaged. Posting every other day, a few times a week, or even just once a week can totally work. The important thing is just to keep those posts coming. And don’t forget, Instagram Stories are a fantastic way to stay connected with your followers even when you’re not updating your main feed!

2. Not having a niche

Would you really want to follow an account that constantly posts random stuff? Probably not. That’s why having a niche is key. Lots of people wonder why they’re not growing their business or landing brand deals, and it often comes down to not sticking to a niche.

Trying to please everyone usually means you end up pleasing no one. Instead, focus on attracting a specific audience who shares your interests. Plus, having a clear niche makes it easier to collaborate with brands. Most brands are on the lookout for influencers whose audience matches their target market, so they’re going to be more interested in you if you have a defined niche. Avoid common Instagram mistakes by honing in on what you do best and staying consistent!

3. Low-quality images

If you want to grow your audience and start making money, you’ve got to focus on creating high-quality content. Offering real value is key to building trust with your audience and eventually getting them to buy from you. You don’t need to splurge on a fancy photographer right off the bat—especially when you’re just starting out. Instead, check out these 25 tips and tricks for taking great photos with your phone. Avoid common Instagram mistakes and up your content game with just your phone and a bit of know-how!

4. Using generic hashtags

Let’s chat about Instagram mistakes—specifically, hashtags. If you’re using those huge, popular hashtags thinking it’ll get your post seen more, I hate to break it to you, but that’s just not how it works. Those hashtags are so crowded with posts that your content gets lost in the shuffle almost instantly. Plus, using generic tags won’t help you connect with your target audience.

Here’s a better strategy: research smaller hashtags in your niche, ones that have between 50k-500k posts. They’re big enough to help you get discovered but not so massive that your post disappears in a flash. Trust me, focusing on the right hashtags can make a huge difference in growing your reach!

If you need help with hashtags, I suggest signing up for Tailwind. They have a fantastic hashtag finder.

And finally, the worst Instagram mistake:

5. “Follow-for-follow” loops

I’ll just say one thing and one thing only: DO NOT SIGN UP FOR “FOLLOW FOR FOLLOW” LOOPS. Can I make that any more clear?

Ugh, this was one of my biggest Instagram mistakes when I first started, and it seriously sucked. Trying to boost followers this way is a total waste—it won’t help you grow or improve engagement at all. These people are just in it for the follow, and there’s no real interaction happening. Plus, they’re not even in your target audience, so they’ll probably never like, comment, or engage with your posts. Trust me, it’s 100% not the way to go!

If Instagram sees that most of your followers are not interacting with you, your posts will be shown less. This will result in a lower reach and more difficulty ranking in hashtags.

They almost always have a set of rules that you have to abide by, such as following the “leader(s)” of the group, the “follow loop” page, everyone that page follows, and following back everyone who follows you within a certain time frame. You also have to like and comment on so many posts, and you absolutely cannot unfollow anyone or break any of these rules. Otherwise, you’ll be banned from the “loop.” To me, that’s kind of silly and “mean girl-ish.”

If you’re hoping to collaborate with brands or land some deals, just know that they can usually tell when your account is packed with fake followers or has low engagement. Avoid common Instagram mistakes like this and focus on growing your brand honestly and organically. Sure, it might take a little longer, but trust me, it’s so worth it in the end!

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