How To Keep Your House Clean When You Have Kids

If you’re a mom, you’ve probably wondered if it’s even possible to keep your house clean with kids running around. Kids are experts at creating messes, but there are ways to control the chaos without creating more work for yourself. Your house might not be spotless 24/7, and that’s totally okay! But don’t worry—here are some super easy tips to help you manage the mess and keep things from getting too out of hand.

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Keep realistic expectations.

Let’s be honest—expecting your home to be spotless all the time is just not realistic, especially when you’ve got kids running around! It’s totally normal for your house to have a bit of mess and imperfections occasionally. So, if you’re aiming to keep your home clean before hitting the sack or getting everyone to pitch in if they’re old enough, make sure those expectations are clear. Remember, you might need to remind everyone more than once because this is a learning process for the whole family.

Clean up after playtime.

It’s super important to make cleaning up after playtime a regular habit, especially when you’re trying to keep your house clean with kids around. Trust me, it makes a world of difference! Whether you choose to tidy up once a day or several times throughout the day, the key is to make it a routine.

It might seem like a small thing, but it really helps keep your space organized and looking neat. Plus, it’s so much easier to find things when everything has its place. So go ahead and embrace this cleanup routine—your future self will definitely appreciate it!

And on that note…

Invest in toy storage.

Toys may be the biggest hurdle in keeping your home clean when you have kids. Investing in some baskets or bins will do you wonders if you have toddlers.

Sure, you could try organizing them if you’re feeling ambitious, but let’s be real here – who’s got time for that? Life’s too short to spend it on meticulous organization!

When it comes to choosing toy storage, make sure you put them in the play area. This way, cleaning up will be a breeze when the time comes.

Get rid of unused toys.

It’s wild how toys seem to magically multiply and take over every nook and cranny of your house, turning your once spacious home into a full-on toy kingdom! Having fewer toys can make a difference when you’re trying to keep your house clean with kids. Not only does it mean less to clean up, but it also helps your little ones avoid getting overwhelmed by too many options. Check out local resources and consider donating some of those well-loved toys. Many churches and shelters would be happy to give them a new home.

Start cleaning regularly.

If you want to keep your house clean and organized, it’s all about forming good cleaning habits. You can start by doing simple tasks like sweeping the floors or regularly tackling one load of laundry. These small habits can really make a big impact in maintaining a tidy home.

Give your kids their own responsibilities.

Giving kids their own responsibilities will help you save time and keep your home clean. Your natural instinct will tell you to do it yourself, but kids need independence.

My three-year-old’s chores are cleaning up and putting away all of his toys, throwing his trash away, putting his dishes in the sink, and putting dirty clothes in the hamper. Click here for a list of age-appropriate chores.

Offer rewards for a job well done.

When your kids have finished cleaning, let them know how much you appreciate their help by rewarding them. You can reward them with a hug and a thank you, a high five, or maybe their favorite treat.

Don’t forget to do this for yourself, too, mama. Sitting back and relaxing in a clean and tidy home will be much easier. Having a clean house with children is not as impossible as you may think. How do you keep your home clean with kids around?

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