How To Practice Self-Care As An Introvert

No matter who we are, self-care is a big part of staying well. But if you’re more of an introvert, it might be a bit tougher to stick with self-care habits. Extroverts often seem to have an easier time staying plugged into the world and getting things done, while introverts recharge by spending time alone.

As an introvert myself, I sometimes find myself wondering how to balance being part of society with taking care of my own needs. It can be a challenge to practice self-care quietly in a world that’s all about staying connected.

It’s important to remember that not everyone will get our need for personal space, so it’s key to confidently communicate what we need to those around us. How do you make sure your self-care needs are met while navigating social expectations?

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How To Practice Self-Care As An Introvert

Start each day device-free.

Do you often reach for your phone first thing in the morning right after waking up? Starting the day device-free is a way for an introvert to break free of the constant stimulation from their phones. Keep your phone plugged in in a different room and use an alarm clock to get yourself out of bed.

Spend more time in nature.

Spending time in nature is a great way to boost both your physical and mental health. It helps lower stress, lifts your mood, and can even boost your confidence. For introverts, it’s the perfect way to unplug and recharge, giving you some much-needed self-care away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Take mini-breaks throughout the day.

Taking mini-breaks during the day can work wonders for your energy levels. Whether it’s stepping away from screens or just taking a breather from family, friends, or coworkers, these little pauses can make a big difference. If you’re an introvert, using your break time to unwind in nature or meditate can be super refreshing. Try some belly breathing to melt away stress, or have a relaxing spa day at home. It’s all about finding those self-care moments that recharge you!

End each day device-free.

Just like we start the morning device-free, we need to end the day device-free. By putting our phones away an hour before we go to bed, we can fall asleep easier. Using your phone before bed can lead to insomnia or sleep deprivation.

Your smartphone, tablet, TV, and laptop all emit a “blue light” which is said to be the brightest and shortest wavelength. This affects the production of melatonin, and as a result, your brain feels more energized. This confuses your brain, hence the lack of sleep.

Related: Why You Need A Digital Detox And What To Do Instead

As an introvert myself, these tips have helped me greatly. If you’ve found this post useful, make sure you share it on Pinterest.

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